Project B5
Co-evolution of viruses and immune repertoires across scales
Aleksandra Walczak, École normale supérieure | web | email
The project studies evolutionary correlations between immune repertoires and viral antigens. It establishes principled models of immune response and, in collaboration with projects B1 and B3, predicts the evolutionary likelihood of specific B-cell responses to HIV. Related models of viral dynamics under multi-host immune challenge are developed in collaboration with project B2 and will be applied to human influenza.
Predictability in Evolution
Collaborative Research Center 1310
Antigenic waves of virus–immune coevolution
Marchi J., Lässig M., Walczak A.M., Mora T., PNAS 118 (27) e2103398118, 6. July 2021
Deep generative selection models of T and B cell receptor repertoires with soNNia
Isacchini G., Walczak A.M., Mora T., Nourmohammad A., PNAS 118 (14) e2023141118, 6. April 2021,
Minervina A.A., Komech E.A., Titov A., Koraichi M.B., Rosati E., Mamedov I.Z., Franke A., Efimov G.A., Chudakov D.M., Mora T., Walczak A.M., Lebedev Y.B., Pogorelyy M.V., eLife 2021;10:e63502, 5. January 2021,
Spisak N., Walczak A.M., Mora T., Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 48, Issue 19, Pages 10702–10712, 4 November 2020,
SOS: online probability estimation and generation of T-and B-cell receptors
Isacchini G., Olivares C., Nourmohammad. A, Walczak A.M., Mora T., Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 16, 4510–4512, 15. August 2020,
Generative models of T-cell receptor sequences
Isacchini G., Sethna Z., Elhanati Y., Nourmohammad A., Walczak A.M., Mora T., Phys. Rev. E 101, 062414, 15. June 2020,
Minervina A.A., Pogorelyy M.V, Komech E.A., Karnaukhov V.K., Bacher P. , Rosat E. , Franke A., Chudakov D.M., Mamedov I.Z., Lebedev Y.B., Mora T., Walczak A.M., eLife2020;9:e53704, 21. February 2020,
Exploiting B Cell Receptor Analyses to Inform on HIV-1 Vaccination Strategies
Kreer C., Gruell H., Mora T., Walczak A.M., Klein F., Vaccines 8(1) 13, 1. January 2020,
Multi-Lineage Evolution in Viral Populations Driven by Host Immune Systems
Nourmohammad A., Otwinowski J., Łuksza M., Mora T., Walczak A.M. , Molecular Biology and Evolution 36(10) 2184-2194, 29. July 2019,
Method for identification of condition-associated public antigen receptor sequences
Pogorelyy M.V., Minervina A.A., Chudakov D.M., Mamedov I.Z., Lebedev Y.B., Mora T., Walczak A.M., eLife 2018;7:e33050, 13. May 2018,
High-throughput immune repertoire analysis with IGoR
Marcou Q., Mora T., Walczak A.M., Nature Communications Volume 9:561, 8. February 2018,